Willow Class

Welcome to Willow Class

In Willow Class we provide a safe space for children and aim to provide a calm, purposeful and inclusive environment.  We understand children’s developmental needs and staff respond to each child at whatever emotional or social age/stage s/he appears to be at. The high quality of this response enables the child to move on and engage in learning at their own pace. The structure of the day is designed to promote feelings of security and provide reassurance during times of difficulty, the soft starts and talk and sessions are aimed at ensuring children feel safe and secure before learning begins. We value the development of wellbeing – this means listening, being responsive to needs in the moment, engaging in turn taking and sharing activities and talking about events and feelings. Staff encourage words to be used instead of actions to express feelings and to encourage an understanding of how others’ feel and children use their colour monsters to express their feelings.

In the Willow Class children are taught by Mrs Westhead, Mrs Lowe and Miss Lewis. The plans are taken from the learning in the pupil’s base classroom and adapted to their individual needs. The children spend some of their day in their base classroom with their peers and this is reviewed and monitored regularly to ensure the best possible provision is being made.