Welcome to our Governors’ section
As part of the St Benet’s Trust, we have a Local Governance Committee (LGC) which comprises trust-appointed governors, parent governors, a staff governor and the Executive Headteacher. We meet half-termly with responsibilities delegated from the Trust Board. Details of the members of our LGC can be found below.
If you would like to get in touch, please contact:
Anne Cottingham, Chair of Governors
Email: anne@cottinghams.com
Tel: 01263 511303
Laura Watts, Executive Headteacher
Email: head@lighthousefederation.norfolk.sch.uk
Tel: 01692 650335/01263 761368
Trust-appointed Governors:
Anne Cottingham ( Chair), Amanda Sands (Vice-Chair), David Wiltshire, Amanda May, Richard Barker and Rev. Peter Streete
Executive Headteacher: Laura Watts